Gen. Yasser Al-Atta: Circles Attempt to Create Sedition between Security Components
27.05 |
Hits: 2405
Sudan-China relations discussed
27.05 |
Hits: 1753
Umma Party Rejects General Strike
27.05 |
Hits: 1701
Craftsmen Association Announces Rejection to General Strike
27.05 |
Hits: 1666
Carving on Tree Trunk Embodies Solidarity of Protesters
27.05 |
Hits: 1686
Lt. Gen. Jamal-Eddin Omer Ibrahim Appointed as Member of TMC
24.05 |
Hits: 2586
Daglo Announces Increase of Teachers’ Salaries and Offers Them Incentive of Three-month Salary
24.05 |
Hits: 2073
Culture Ministry Celebrates Winner of Japan’s World Drawing Prize
24.05 |
Hits: 1675
Daglo stresses need to address economic situations
23.05 |
Hits: 1724
Daglo: The Change took place in Sudan is real one.
23.05 |
Hits: 2631