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Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Berlin

سفارة جمهورية السودان ببرلين

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Ismail al-Azhari

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Abdallah Khalil

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Ibrahim Abboud

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S. Al-Kh. Al-Khalifa

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M. Ahmad Mahgoub

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Sadiq al-Mahdi

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Babiker Awadalla

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Gaafar Nimeiry

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Dr. Al-Jazuli Daf'allah

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Omar al-Bashir

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System of Governance


Sudan has adopted the Presidential System where President of the Republic is directly elected from all citizens who reached the age of (17) provided that any citizen is entitled to be a candidate for the post of President of the Republic irrespective of whether he/she is a representative of a registered party or non-registered party or he/she is not a member of a party.
The Country has been divided into 25 states that enjoy wide-range of legislative and executive powers while the Center's role, represented by its federal ministry, is limited in planning and approving general policies. Local Governance is considered one of the governance' pillars, for each state is composed of some localities which undertake, through popular organs, mission of planning, executing and managing all educational, health, agricultural, handicraft and service activities at the level of localities.

The Legislature


Council of the General Governor for studying and approving the laws, regulations and orders issued by the General Governor, then the Advisory Council of Northern Sudan was formed in 1943 – 1948 from tribes' chiefs and religious men who were all from northe rn Sudan and chaired by the General Governor.
The first legislative association was formed during 1948 – 1953 of 79 members chaired by Mohamed Salih Al - Shingeti. Most important achievements of this association were training a number of Sudanese representat ives and ministers on systems of governance, parliamentary life, governance power besides approving resolution of Britain and Egypt that stated granting autonomy to Sudan . Afterward a parliament was formed of the Senate and the Parliament of 50 members he aded by Ahmed Mohamed Yasin then by Mohamed Al - Hassan Dyab. The Parliament was formed of 97 members headed by Babikir Awad Allah. Members of the Parliament were elected via direct and indirect voting. Most important achievements of this Parliament were dec laring independence from the Parliament on 19 December 1955, Sudanization and approving Agreement of the Nile's Water. Parliament of 1958 was formed of the Senate and House of Representatives where the Senate comprised 50 members while House of Representa tives comprised 172 members whom all were elected through the direct free voting. The first constituent assembly was formed in 1965 adopting the system of chamber of deputies in formation thereof.
Women were given the right of voting and being candidates for the first time in the epoch of the constituent assembly, so women were represented in the parliament for the first time, besides age of voters was reduced to be 18 instead of 21. The Parliament had passed along different forms until it concluded to th e current form. The current Sudanese parliament is the fourth national assembly formed under CPA signed in Naivasha on the 9 th of January 2005.

The Judiciary


In the first epoch the Judiciary was a part of the Executive Power but in the second epoch it was separated from the Executive Power although extent of its independence is always a point of controversy throughout all eras. Administration of the Government of Sudan during the colonial government was different from administrations of the other British colonies, for instead of having a senior secretary who was responsible of the whole administration before the Governor and entrusted with the import ant issues, there were three secretaries in Sudan:
the Administrative Secretary, the Financial Secretary and the Judicial Secretary. The Judicial Secretary was responsible of legislations, the judiciary, the Lands Authority and the land registry office. T hose three secretaries were undertaking their works in their area of jurisdictions as head of the directors, and the General Governor was supervising administration of the provinces by those secretaries.
Administration of the colonists to the Country was m erely military in all its administrative, judicial and legislative aspects and it was executed by British military officers. The General Governor was the head of the Judiciary similarly like the other administrations, so the General Governor was authorized to transfer an official from any administration to the Judiciary and the vice versa. With regard to managing colonial governance in Sudan ( 9911 – 9191 ) eight persons were rotated in the post of the General Governor, eight persons in the post of the Admini strative Secretary and seven persons in the post of Judicial Secretary.
The English colonists(1899 – 1956) divided the Judiciary into two sections: the Civil Section comprising civil and criminal domains which was headed by the chief justice, and the Shari a Section which was headed by the supreme judge, both are headed by the Judicial Secretary who was headed by the General Governor. Premises of the Judiciary administration was established for the first time during 1850 – 1851 namely before one hundred and fifty years in the times of the Governor Abdelatif Basha who held government of Sudan during October 1849 – December 1851. The court was in one building with Khartoum Province Department and the Governance Department. The building was made of red bricks a nd called " the Populace Court ." At that time Khartoum was like a small village limited between the Zoo east the Friendship Hall and premises of the Ministry of Health. The said premises was at that time situated in Al - Hekimdaria Quarter which was located between the General Audit Chamber and the University of Khartoum and considered as one of the most important quarters of Khartoum in which government's offices and senior.