Katharinenstraße 17   |   10711 Berlin   |   ☎  +49 (030) 890 698 0

Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Berlin

سفارة جمهورية السودان ببرلين

Welcome to Sudan

I.E. Ilham Ahmed

H. E. the Ambassador welcomes visitors to the Embassy's website.. Read More

Embassy Working Hours

ساعات العمل بالسفارة 

Mon-Fri:    10:00h  - 16:00h



Consulate Working Hours

Consular Section

☎ 0049  30 887 111 60



ساعات عمل القسم القنصلي 

Mon-Thu:    10:00h  - 16:00h
Friday:        10:00h  - 16:00h

 Very Important هام جداً 

المدرسة الإلكترونية لتدريس المنهج السوداني

يسر سفارة جمهورية السودان ببرلين أن تتقدم إلى الأخوات والإخوة أبناء الجالية السودانية بجمهوريتي ألمــانيا وبولــندا، بخالص الشكر والتقدير لوقفتهم ومؤازرتهم المستمرة لقضايا الوطن، وفي إطار إهتمام السفارة بقضايا المواطنين السودانيين المُقيمين بجمهوريتي ألمانيا وبولندا، ترجو الإفادة بأنَّ جهاز شؤونMOFA4 السودانيين العاملين بالخارج وفي إطار تلمسه لقضايا السودانيين بالخارج ومنها اشكاليات التعليم لأبناء السودانيين بالخارج، أعلن عن تدشين المدرسة الإلكترونية التي تُدرس المنهج السوداني والمعتمدة من وزارة التربية والتعليم الإتحادية .. للمزيد

عالم الآثار الألمانى فيلدونق يؤكد: إن الحضارة السودانية تسبق الحضارات العالمية بخمسة آلاف عام

dietrich wildungقطع البروفيسور ديترش فيلدونغ المتخصص فى الآثار السودانية والمدير العام الأسبق لمتحفى ميونخ وبرلين لفنون المصريات ان الحضارة السودانية القديمة سابقة لكل الحضارات الأخرى بخمسة آلاف عام بما فيها حضارة مصر الفرعونية وحضارات الشرق الأدنى والإغريق والرومان وإنتهاء بالحضارة الأوربية الحديثة... المزيد.

Department of Media and Spokesperson
Press Statement on the Resolution Adopted by the Human Rights Council on 11 October

Since last August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been closely following the political and media campaign led by Britain and other Western countries and human rights organizations to push the Human Rights Council to establish a fact finding mission to Sudan.

The countries sponsoring the draft resolution ignored Sudan's current priorities of ending the rebellion, silencing guns, protecting civilians and accelerating the delivery of emergency humanitarian aid. These countries also ignored the atrocities and grave violations committed by the rebellious terrorist Rapid Support militias against the Sudanese people. It should be noted that the Government of Sudan has paid the necessary attention to the issue of accountability and combating impunity through the formation of the National Committee headed by His Excellency the Attorney General of the Republic of Sudan to investigate the war crimes, violations and practices committed by the terrorist rebel Rapid Support militias and any other armed groups. The sponsors of the resolution also ignored Sudan's close cooperation with multiple human rights mechanisms that follow up the human rights situation in Sudan.

The fact that the Human Rights Council has been divided on the resolution indicates that the Council is being used to serve the goals of certain countries, as it did not receive the support of any Arab, African and Islamic countries, which confirms the weakness of the resolution and that the Council has been hijacked to serve the interest of those countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while looking at this unbalanced decision, which equates the national army of the Sudanese state with a terrorist rebel militia, holds the sponsors of the resolution responsible for the negative consequences that may result from this decision.

The Latest Sudanese News & Press

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Al Merreikhi
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TSC President receives phone call from UAE President
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TSC President meets CISSA delegation
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The Republic of SudanMinistry of Foreign Affairs.Office of the Spokesperson and Media Directorate Press Statement The Janjaweed terrorist militia, und... Read More
Malik Aqar
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Statement by the Government
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TSC President
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Burhan Starmer
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Al Burhan Abiy Ahmed
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TSC President meets Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister
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In Sudan, Rediscovering Ancient Nubia Before It’s Too Late

Bag1In 1905, British archaeologists descended on a sliver of eastern Africa, aiming to uncover and extract artifacts from 3,000-year-old temples. They left mostly with photographs, discouraged by the ever-shifting sand d.. Read More.

Dr. Tony Andrews, Canadian Geologist: Mining in Sudan is Very Deep-rooted in History

Dr. Tony AndrewsSudan Vision newspaper interviewed the Canadian geologist, Principal, Centre for Responsible Mineral Development, Dr. Tony Andrews who visited Sudan to take part in the International Mining Forum and.... more

مدخرات العاملين بالخارج - سياسة التحفيز بتحرير سعر الصرف

في إطار سعي الدولة لجذب مدخرات العاملين بالخارج وسياسة التحفيز بتحرير سعر الصرف. ورغبة الكثير من ابناء السودان بدول المهجر بفتح حسابات بنكية بالداخل، بادر بنك الخرطوم بتسريع هذه الخطوة ... المزيد

Sudan Bulletin

SB 14