Conference on development of border relations concludes session
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Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Berlin

سفارة جمهورية السودان ببرلين

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 Very Important هام جداً 

قرارات بنك السودان المركزي حول توحيد سعر صرف العملة السودانية

- في ظل إنفتاح السودان على العالم الخارجي، وإعادة إندماج الإقتصاد السوداني مع المؤسسات الإقتصادية الدولية، وفي ظل السياسات الجديدة لحكومة الفترة الإنتقالية الخاصة بدعم وتشجيع السودانيين العاملين بالخارج لزيادة إرتباطهم الإيجابي بالسودان، أصدر بنك السودان المركزي بتاريخ 21 فبراير 2021م، عدداً من القرارت الخاصة بتوحيد سعر صرف العملة السودانية وذلك بهدف الإرتقاء بالإقتصاد السوداني عبر إستقرار سعر الصرف، وتشجيع الإستثمار، وجذب التتحويلات المالية من الخارج. .. للمزيد

Conference on development of border relations concludes session

Conference on development of border relations concludes session

Damazin, Dec. 13 (SUNA) – The conference on development of border relations between the Blue Nile State and the Ethiopian Benishangul Region concluded its session Saturday and issued its recommendations and final communiqué. Wali (governor) of Blue Nile State Abdel-Rahman Nureddayem Al-Tom signed the final communiqué of the conference on behalf of the delegation of the state, while Governor of the Ethiopian Benishangul Region Ashadli Hassen signed on behalf of the government of the region. Addressing the concluding session of the conference, the Wali of Blue Nile State expressed appreciation to the stances of the government of Benishangul Region and the federal Ethiopian government for sponsoring the works of the conference. He pointed out that the conference came out with very important recommendations, top of them ones on formation of a joint force for monitoring the border besides recommendation on expediting opening of the border crossings to ease flow of the trade movement to boost further the border relations. He affirmed keenness of the government of the state on supporting prevalence of security and stability in the two sides for consolidating the good neighborliness relations between the Sudanese and Ethiopian peoples. The governor of the Blue Nile State invited the government of the Ethiopian Benishangul Region to attend the next conference, which would be held in the Blue Nile State capital of Damazin early next June. The Governor of Benishangul Region, on his part, said that the realization of development and peace represented joint objectives between the Ethiopian and the Sudanese people, describing the relations between the Blue Nile State and Benishangul Region as model ones. BT/BT

Pressestatements der Kanzlerin und des Premierministers der Republik Sudan, Abdalla Hamdok

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Press release

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Sudan Bulletin

SB 14