Katharinenstraße 17   |   10711 Berlin   |   ☎  +49 (030) 890 698 0

Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Berlin

سفارة جمهورية السودان ببرلين

Embassy Working Hours

ساعات العمل بالسفارة 

Mon-Fri:    10:00h  - 16:00h



Consulate Working Hours

Consular Section

☎ 0049  30 887 111 60



ساعات عمل القسم القنصلي 

Mon-Thu:    10:00h  - 16:00h
Friday:        10:00h  - 16:00h

 Very Important هام جداً 

قرارات بنك السودان المركزي حول توحيد سعر صرف العملة السودانية

- في ظل إنفتاح السودان على العالم الخارجي، وإعادة إندماج الإقتصاد السوداني مع المؤسسات الإقتصادية الدولية، وفي ظل السياسات الجديدة لحكومة الفترة الإنتقالية الخاصة بدعم وتشجيع السودانيين العاملين بالخارج لزيادة إرتباطهم الإيجابي بالسودان، أصدر بنك السودان المركزي بتاريخ 21 فبراير 2021م، عدداً من القرارت الخاصة بتوحيد سعر صرف العملة السودانية وذلك بهدف الإرتقاء بالإقتصاد السوداني عبر إستقرار سعر الصرف، وتشجيع الإستثمار، وجذب التتحويلات المالية من الخارج. .. للمزيد

Societal Reconciliation Document Signed in Port-Sudan

Societal Reconciliation Document Signed in Port Sudan

Port-Sudan, Sep. 8 (SUNA) – The Peace Hall in Port-Sudan city Sunday witnessed the sig-ning of the societal reconciliation document which was reached to contain the recent dispute between the Beni Amer and Nuba tribes in Port-Sudan. The document’s signing was attended by a delegation of the Sovereign Council, members of the security committee, the executive bureau of the native administration at the federal level and leaders of the native administration from different states. The celebration ceremony was addressed by Deputy Chairman of the Native Administration, Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, who stressed the importance of cohesion of the social fabric between all the components of the people of Sudan to confront the national challenges. He affirmed the necessity of imposing security, the state’s dignity and the rule of law. Meanwhile, the Wali (governor) of the Red Sea State, Maj. Gen. Hafiz Al-Taj, affirmed the importance of adoption of the required measures and the integration of efforts for continuation of the security plan, referring to the stay of the joint forces in the state, pursuing the unruly groups, opening of more police station in the quarters, especially at the areas which were affected by the dispute and studying the root-causes of the problem toward achieving the solution. The occasion was also addressed by the tribal leaders of Beni Amer and Nuba, the chieftain of Hadandawa tribe, the chieftain of elders committee and the chairman of the Beja Congress, Musa Mohamed Ahmed, who underscored the importance of unity, tolerance, cohesi-on of the social fabric and dissemination of the peaceful co-existence for realizing sustainable security and stability. The reconciliation document included a number of requirements such as formation of a federal committee to investigate in the incidents, start of the payment of diyyas (blood money), formation of a state committee for collection of the legal and illegal weapons, considering the release of detainees in the incidents in accordance with law and formation of a committee to arrange for holding Port-Sudan reconciliation and peaceful co-existence conference. MO

Pressestatements der Kanzlerin und des Premierministers der Republik Sudan, Abdalla Hamdok

Der Sudan befinde sich an einem historischen Wendepunkt, betonte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel beim Besuch des sudanesischenHamdok Merkel Premierministers Abdalla Hamdok in Berlin...  More

Press release

The meetings of the second session of the Political Consultation Committee between Sudan and Poland were held on Thursday, February 27, 2020 in the buildings of the Ministry of GamaraldinForeign Affairs in the Polish capital...  More

Sudan Bulletin

SB 14