Ministry of Foreign Affairs salutes Arab League's role in joint Arab action
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the League of Arab States (March 22, 1945 - March 22, 2025), which falls on Saturday,
extending its sincere congratulations to the Arab nation on this momentous occasion. The Ministry saluted the League's important role in joint Arab action, defending the rights of Arab peoples, and consolidating Arab solidarity in the face of the existential dangers and challenges facing Arab countries. In its statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highly valued the role of sisterly Egypt in establishing, hosting, and leading the Arab League since its inception.
The statement read, "Throughout its history, the League of Arab States has stood firmly and clearly with the unity, sovereignty, and stability of Sudan, defending it in regional and international forums."
The statement added, "Sudan renews its commitment to the principles upon which the League of Arab States was founded, recalling that its security, stability, and the unity of its people and territories are an integral part of the security and peace of the Arab nation."
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