NEC Determines Sudan Economic Roadmap Track

NEC Determines Sudan Economic

Khartoum, Sept.6 (SUNA) – The Head of the Preparatory Committee of the First National Economic Conference, Prof. Abdul Muhsin Mustafa has revealed that the conference which will be held during the current, Sept.26-28 aims to map out a road map for the path of the Su-dan’s economy during the coming period with special emphasis on the economic planning process. Prof. Mustafa said in the press conference held in SUNA, on Sunday that the conference includes nine major sessions to discuss the financial and monetary policies, employment of youth and 15 general sectorial workshops with the participation of the concerned experts, besides, dialogue sessions on subsidies. “ The conference will review means for finding solutions to the chronic economic problems facing the country including poverty, unemployment, inflation and the negative NG in re-sources-rich country” He stressed. IF/IF