SRF Adheres to Juba Agreement , Delay of Walis Appointment
SRF Adheres to Juba Agreement , Delay of Walis Appointment

SRF Adheres to Juba Agreement Delay of Walis Appointment

Khartoum, Dec.4(SUNA)-The Sudan Revolutionary Front(SRF) announced its adherence to deal signed in Juba with the transitional government that stipulates delaying appointment of Walis (governors of States and the transitional legislative council after reaching final peace agreement. Head of SRF Legislative body , Al Tom Hago at SUNA’ s regular press forum Wednesday said that SRF categorically rejects appointment of walis and interim legislative council before signature of final peace accord. He disclosed that SRF has been promoting for peace and that a number of SRF delegations arrived in the country which would be concluded by arrival of a delegation next Saturday. Hago mentioned that SRF comprises four armed organizations and four political parties with equal rights and duties. He stated that the SRF is the only national organization at arena containing multi ethnicities and taking its decisions by consensus and democracy and succeeded in transfer of presidency for four consecutive sessions which it refuted its orientalism. The SRF leading figure asserted the Front support to the transitional government. ab