Expert calls for abstraction of selfishness to establish rational government
Khartoum, July 1 (SUNA) – The Economic expert Dr. Tariq Jibril has called for arbitration of the voice of reason and abstraction of selfishness for the interest of the Sudanese people and to accelerate the formation of the government so as not to affect negatively the people's livelihood. Dr. Jibril told SUNA that the issue of democratic transition takes time and that people are now looking for a better situation, referring to remnants of the former regime who are seeking to preserve their gains by spreading chaos and unrest in the country. The economic expert pointed out that the economic nature of the majority of the components of the Sudanese people based on the subsistential economy, whether in terms of production or work. Therefore any impediments for work or production will have a negative impact on the lives of people, calling the negotiators of the Forces of Freedom and Change Declaration and the Transitional Military Council to work together for the public interest. BH/BH